24 September 2011


“We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.”
Carlos Castanda

23 September 2011

mark your calendars! november 5th is green seattle day

Without a coordinated effort, Seattle is at risk of losing 70% of its forests in just 20 years.

Join me and 1,000 of your neighbors for Green Seattle Day to kick off the 2011-12 planting season.

For more information about this celebration of nature and community, please click here.

21 September 2011

september 21st is world gratitude day

The United Nations Meditation Group created World Gratitude Day to express appreciation for the great things that individuals and groups do. According to their website: "World Gratitude Day presents an award to someone who we feel has done something outstanding in the spirit of Globalism." This group also suggests that you find something to be grateful for and remember the feeling.

On a smaller scale, seek to give gratitude and appreciation to people in your life who have done good deeds. It could be something as simple as a "thank you."

On this dedicated day of thanks, what are you grateful for?

19 September 2011

do-good designer vivienne westwood

Do-good designer, Vivienne Westwood, recently unveiled a new fashion venture, which benefits fashionistas and those living in poverty. Read all about these fab bags here on Mission Hot Mama.

18 September 2011

september is hunger action month

moment of zen

Today, I saw this photo on Twitter and it took my breath away. Like an out-loud, "Oh wow, that is amazing." As much as I'm an on-the-go urban girl, sometimes I crave silence, solitude and natural beauty so powerful, it puts life into perspective. This image took me to that place.

Where do you find your moments of Zen in the world?

read: let them eat junk: fast food chains now accepting food stamps

California, Arizona, Michigan and Florida are the first four states now accepting food stamps at several leading fast food restaurant chains.  This decision disturbs me for so many reasons - mainly because fast food industry wallets seem mightier than the interests of those who should care about the health of Americans. Read more here. I'd love to hear your thoughts. I believe in empowering people with education and giving them the tools to succeed, but no one is going to find health or wellness in the bottom of a Happy Meal.

09 September 2011

blog post: give, take and get to know a destination with voluntourism

When you think of voluntourism, do you think of traveling to far flung places and making a costly commitment? I do. Which is why I keep returning to a very simple "ah hah" moment I recently had while volunteering at home in Seattle.

Read my latest column for Wyndham Worldwide's Women on Their Way Jane Air Crew here and find out how you can give back when you're on the go.