30 August 2011

media mention: travel writing 2.0 - a conversation with charyn pfeuffer

Take a quick minute to check out this interview on yours truly conducted by Travel Writing 2.0 author Tim Leffel and edited by Kristin Mock.  Thank you, Tim and Kristin for being such pros and for giving me this opportunity to talk travel writing with your readers.

26 August 2011

dear writers: this is *not* volunteering

@charynpfeuffer Hello Charyn, My name is Adryana, and I want to you to ask if you would be interested to colaborate and be part of the team Woman's Essence Magazine as writer. Please write an email to womans-essence@live.com for more details.

@ButterflyLady_ Hi Adryana! Thanks for reaching out. Can you tell me what per word rate you pay writers to contribute to Women's Essence?

@charynpfeuffer It is a volunteer opportunity but credits are given in the form of providing your name.

@ButterflyLady_ Why exactly would I want to "volunteer" my writing to your site when I've been paid for my writing for 13+ years?

Oh goody! Exposure! RT @ButterflyLady_: @charynpfeuffer It is a volunteer opportunity but credits are given in the form of providing your name.

@charynpfeuffer oh well.. i made a question to you after seeing in your description that you do volunteer too .. sorry if that offended you

@ButterflyLady_ I volunteer for NGOs & humanitarian causes. Writing for free is not volunteering - it's taking advantage of writers.

@ButterflyLady_ Yeah, I find it offensive when people try to take advantage of hard working writers who make a living off their time/talent.

@ButterflyLady_ Do you get paid to recruit writers or do you "volunteer" too?

@charynpfeuffer ok thank u for your replies.

@charynpfeuffer oh well.. i apologized , thank you as well for your time, take care

03 August 2011

my weekend wilderness adventures

For the next few days, I'll be at Sonora Resort in B.C., Canada.  Sonora Resort has been on my travel wish list for quite some time, and since I could really use some unplugged idyll in the wilderness, the timing of this trip is perfect.  Plus, I get to go relax, wine, spa, explore and dine with some of my fave women. Of course, I'll post the play-by-play (and lots of pretty pictures) when I get back. In the meantime, if you want to follow the adventures, find me on Twitter at @charynpfeuffer or follow the hashtag #SonoraVisit.

P.S. Full disclaimer: Yours truly is a hosted guest of the resort for the weekend.