02 March 2010

prioritizing "to do" lists

This week, I'm in the throes of prioritzing a rather lengthy "to do" list for The Global Citizen Project and determing the next steps, as many decisions will have a domino effect on how others will play out. I'm also trying to catch up on a lot of work, assignments and pitches that got kicked to the curb due to the intensity of the past few months. Next week, I'll be guest tweeting for the fine state of Alaska about my recent travels to the Inside Passage in May and October 2009. Also, I reconnected with a former (fantastic) client, Costco Connection, and will taking a quick trip to Cabo San Lucas sometime this month for a feature on the resort town's changing culinary scene. The inbox is whittled down to less than 100 emails, a number I feel comfortable with. Lastly, just about all of the backer rewards have been mailed, with the exception of Lighthouse Roasters coffee, which will go out tomorrow. My apologies to the long line of people stuck behind me this morning at the U.S.P.S. in Ballard. I'm still waiting on some addresses for a few other items, so if you have some backer goodies coming your way, please get your mailing addy to me a.s.a.p.

Today, I spent some time researching travel insurance. In the past, I've purchased short-term plans with Travel Guard and MedjetAssist, and thankfully, have never had to use their benefits. Planning for a year of travel that will take me to 12 different countries is a bit different than thinking about a two or three week stint in a singular destination and I want to be sure I'm covered to the best of my ability for whatever medical emergencies may arise. Right now, World Nomads seems to offer the best benefits versus price ratio, but I'd love to hear what some other wanderlusters recommend (especially if you've had to make that call and actually use a travel insurance plan's services). I'm going to see what my travel doc has to say, as well, but she drinks the juice of the CDC and can be a bit overzealous with her medical recommendations at times.

I'm also working this week to confirm my 12 volunteer projects and exact dates of committment. Right now, more than half are set in stone. There's a method to my madness for wanting to serve certain projects in certain countries at certain times thoughout the year and making all the projects fit timing-wise into the grandmaster itinerary has been tricky. I'm almost there, though. It's kind like putting together the world's greatest puzzle. I plugged all of my potential flights into a nifty Seattle-based online airfare tracking site, Yapta, to keep an eye on airfares as they ebb and flow (and hopefully drop nice and low). I've used Airfarewatchdog in the past, but thought it best to support a local travel business. After some minor stumbling blocks (as with all new tech things in my world), I think I have the site figured out and yes, will admit to giddiness when Yapta sends me email notification of a price drop in airfare. (It's not quite the same level of excitement, though, as when my BlackBerry would buzz during TGCP Kickstarter funding period and alert me to a new backer.)

Tomorrow, I will take a long look at the steps necessary to apply for non-profit status. If anyone has any experience with this, I'd love to hear about it. Filing paperwork with the IRS, especially during peak tax season, doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun, but it's one the necessary, immediate next steps for TGCP.

That's what I have on tap for the week. It's feels really good to be able to roll my sleeves up and jump into the thick of planning TGCP. I promise to keep you in the loop every step of the way! Here's hoping everyone has a great week. I'd love to hear how you're ringing in this fine month of March...

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