30 November 2009

thank you

The Global Citizen Project is getting all sorts of Monday love.

First, @AFARmedia retweeted the link to the Kickstarter page (AFAR magazine is hands down my fave new publication in 2009). I'm beyond tickled; I'm smiling ear-to-ear. Sigh.

Next up, @manieldack bestowed his VC love and made $25 pledge putting me over the $700 mark. (If you've read about the project, you know I like round numbers.)

Please take a minute to read about The Global Citizen Project, and if you think I'm doing something good, consider making a small pledge (as little as $1) or spreading the word via your social media networks. It's a really easy way to give ('tis the season, right?), and you don't even have to leave your house (heck, your sofa), brave the mall or gift-wrap it to make me (and the 12 communities I hope to serve) happy.

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